Friday, 21 September 2007

18th September – Sudbury, ON

How we love thee Facebook. Today we received a Facebook message from friends that we used to live and work with in South Australia in the lovely mining town of Roxby Downs for three years back in the late nineties and early noughties. I still look at this photo in amazement and can't believe we lived here for three years! However, we lost contact over time.

As luck would have it they are both now living in Toronto. So, fingers crossed, we are going to leg it out of Sudbury Saturday morning and head to Toronto to see them on the weekend if we can swing flight changes etc. Otherwise, Sudbury it is (sigh from both of us) for the weekend.

We went to Respect is Burning for tea for the most fabulous meal. This is one of the finest restaurants in Sudbury with modern italian cuisine and big serves.
Who knew that Sudbury had it in them. Back to Peddlers for a drink and then walked home where we had to wait what seemed like ages for the worlds longest train to cross. Oh well, the boys had fun with a short ride.

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