Thursday, 4 October 2007

30th September – Raven Camp, SK

Dan headed out again to West Bear. The morning was cold and there was ice in the core trays was starting to turn to ice. Sampling Sonic core (mainly weathered material) that is frozen is a difficult task though we persevered. The boys warmed themselves up waiting for the chopper by throwing rocks at an old car left behind near the helipad (as you do when you are male).
I was cold at West Bear the other day so I wore my super warm bright orange therminators (long john thermals). They were good especially with two pairs of socks. Apart from the ice which melted by 2pm it turned out to be a good day.
The females in the camp however got excited by the thought of Deep Fried Mars Bars (as we do). Heather retrieved some from god knows where (it’s not like you can go to the shop and buy them around here). Everyone in the camp had an opinion as to how they should best be prepared and we ended up with a coating of crushed cornflakes, almonds and sweet pie crumbs dipped in egg first.

Dan took on deep frying duties – giving them around a minute. We didn’t want to melt them – chocolate around here is like liquid gold. They were cooked to perfection and although I shudder to think how many calories were in them, god they were like heaven. Us three girls weren’t sharing them with anyone and like that, they were gone. Believe me, they tasted far better than they looked.

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