Wednesday, 7 May 2008

28th March, Points North - Shea Creek SK - Vancouver, BC

The highlight of the trip was that a group of us were visiting Shea Creek, half owned by the company I work for. This is a huge uranium deposit, though quite deep.

The sunrise over Raven Lake on this cool morning wasn't too bad.
It was still a bit fresh on the way to the airport, only -25C.
The airstrip at Points North was it's wintery white self. To the left of the snow banks is where Wes used to park his A-star helicopter in summer.
We had a charter plane which flew us across to the western side of the Athabasca Basin.
Leo and I - footy photo at the Cluff Lake international airport.
On arrival at the Cluff Lake offices, we saw that they had it well decked out with two story permanent accomodation and large core farm of historical core.
We had a presentation to set the scene of where the project was at and we were amazed at how much uranium was in the ground on the deposit. Cluff Lake is now closed but they had a long history of mining. We saw this photo of a team of hockey players from the 80's. Check out the second from the left. This guy had the grooviest moustache. Maybe I could get one like that?
Afterwards, we visited the core shack and saw some quite high grade core. The 60% uranium by weight is probably the heaviest and highest value core sample Leo and I have ever laid our hands on. At $100/lb, this rock at this grade is worth $132,000 a tonne!!!
After a great visit we all boarded the plane and took off to Saskatoon. As we left it started snowing. The snow is awesome!

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