Saturday, 7 July 2007

5th July - Vancouver

Today was great apart from arriving late and been somewhat hung over. It was great because as I caught up with big Al, a geologist I first started working with in 1996. He works for an international mining and geological consultancy called Snowden. It’s funny seeing people you know in a different hemisphere. Nothing changes from the day you last saw them. We had a great little Italian meal and a beer. It was awesome. (Ainscoe and Azza – where are you?) We chatted about the old days in Kambalda and reminisced on the kumbayas (a religious event every Friday afternoon where we swilled lots of cheap low quality WA beer!!!).

That night I went for a walk looking for a hair cut of 7pm at night. I eventually found one and then kept on doing the loop around Denham St and English Bay where we I was the night before. I had a hotdog from a street vendor which really hit the spot for dinner especially after my big 2.5 hour walk.

Along the sea wall there are designated roller blade and bike tracks. I was watching these guys play roller blade hockey at the base of the hill. Then I heard a sickening sound - this girl come flying down the hill and belted into a 50cm concrete wall. It was a bit crazy and she was out cold. About 30 people came to help. I'll keep this in mind if I ever roller blade - don't go down hills unless you know how to stop (properly).

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